This is a nutriceutical supplement for horses that are involved in strenuous fast work, such as racing, eventing, hunting and active fast training where the horse may be asked for high speed sustained over a distance.
It is of particular assistance to horses who are in recovery from an airways virus and returning to training. It is important to note that one of the initiating factors of the problem � is the airway infection or virus that may not have been detected early enough and the horse may not have been given sufficient rest or support therapy doing this time. As a result the immune system is reduced in efficiency and the capillaries weakened. Ongoing correct management after such and episode is important, such as dampening all feeds and wash hay, reducing dust, especially in the barn cleaning and bed changing � remove the horse when this is occurring.One of the key ingredients is called Rutin, this is natural substance derived from some plants and yields quercetin and rutinose
It is used in many countries in human therapeutics as a vasoprotectant, assisting the strengthening of small capillaries which have become fragile and broken down. Literally its the pressure of the strenuous exercise creating a high air demand through the lungs, that cause the capillaries to breakdown and leak. Horses that are roarers, even surgically adjusted, have a greater pre
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